MILF term = empowerment or rude?
It has recently come to my attention of a new book titled the “MILF Diet” By Jessica Porter.
Firstly, I automatically celebrate this book because it is a woman writing about how to be a healthy, sexually empowered female, in her words: “The MILF Diet is not—I repeat NOT— about a gaining or keeping a man’s approval; it is a shameless embrace of all things female: our bodies, our brains, our spirit and our sexuality as perceived and experienced by US.”
That said, there has DEFINITELY been some controversy about the use of the word MILF. See here the critique:
“Are Moms Supposed to Want to be MILFs Now?”
and the reply
“In Defense of the Word MILF…”
Anyone have comments on this? The subject is not unlike the argument of women who embrace certain words, (such as “slut,”) as terms of sexual endearment as opposed to offensive language to be “cut-out” of vocabulary all together.
Do you feel sexually empowered as a female? The answer to that question matters much more to me than semantics.
***All my thanks to Nicole Pelky for bringing this information to my attention! Nicole writes, “I recently had the privilege of sitting down to breakfast with Jessica Porter while she was visiting a mutual friend here in Portland, Maine. We discussed the recent release of her new book The M.I.L.F. Diet. She revealed to me she hadn’t been quite prepared for all the flak she was receiving about the title of the book as being insulting to women. Jessica embraces the term as Tori Amos (
Picture credit to photosavvy